Early Registration deadline: April, 15th 2016 Regular - 250€ Student - 180€* Extended Registration deadline: May, 13th 2016 Regular - 300€ Student - 250€* *Student's status confirmation needed on site. Transfer payment to the following account: Name: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar NIB: 0781 011201120013659 03 BIC IGCPPTPL (8 digit code) IGCPPTPLXXX (11 digit code) IBAN: PT50 0781 011201120013659 03 Bank name & address Instituto de Gestão da Tesouraria e do Crédito Público, I.P. Av da República, nº 57, 6º 1050-189 Lisboa Portugal Payment confirmation needed E-mail: iwms@ipt.pt