The 25th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics (IWMS'2016) 6-9th June, 2016 
With deep regret, we share the news that our dear friend Ingram Olkin passed away last April 28th, at the age of 90. The workshop will take place in the city of Funchal at the beautiful Madeira Island, the Pearl of the Atlantic. A Special Session is devoted to the 75th birthday of Professor Jeffrey J. Hunter  Many Happy Returns Jeff! The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers sharing an interest in a variety of aspects of statistics and its applications as well as matrix analysis and its applications to statistics, and offer them a possibility to discuss current developments in these subjects. The workshop will bridge the gap among statisticians, computer scientists and mathematicians in understanding each other's tools. We anticipate that the workshop will stimulate research, in an informal setting, and foster the interaction of researchers in the interface between matrix theory and statistics Some emphasis will be put on related numerical linear algebra issues and numerical solution methods, relevant to problems arising in statistics. The workshop will include invited talks and special sessions devoted to cutting edge research topics. << IWMS'2016 Poster, 2MB (pdf)>>